Why do we do it to ourselves?
Why do we do it to ourselves?
Compare, I mean.
Compare ourselves to others…or ourselves.
I went out for a run this week...
…haven’t run for a while.
Not my favourite thing any more but I went out with my hubby for a quick 5k.
I felt good that I’d pushed myself.
Felt tired at the end…in a good way!
Like I’d worked hard, used my time well, achieved something…
…ticked my exercise box 😃
And then, when my husband told me my pace, I suddenly felt disappointed.
Deflated, like a popped 🎈
I used to run quite a lot, 5 or 6 years ago…before I figured out that it’s not really something I enjoy…or my body likes that much.
But at the time, I ran a lot.
I was faster.
I was 6 years younger and I ran a lot…off course I was faster!!!!
It doesn’t mean I’m a 🐌now though!
And it doesn’t take away from the fact that I ran this week, that I did my exercise, ticked my box, pushed myself!
Why do we do it?
Why do we compare ourselves…
…not only to ourselves at a totally different time or in different circumstances…
…or to others, who are nothing like us in the first place!
It’s something we work hard to cull at Fit for Life Mums.
We’re all different…
On a different journey
From a different start point
Seeking a different goal
With different things going on in our lives.
It matters not one jot what the person next to you in a fitness session is doing…
What they’re lifting; how fast they’re running; how deep their press ups are.
What matters is that YOU are trying your very best…nothing else!
If you are showing up, giving your all, trying your hardest, pushing yourself…
And feeling brilliant for doing that…feeling accomplished with a sense of achievement 😁
Then it matters not one bit what anyone around you is doing…and do you know what?
…they probably don’t care anyway…or if they do, all they want to do is encourage you!
You deserve to feel AMAZING for what you are doing…don’t let comparison steal that joy from you!