Do you overeat?
In a single sitting I mean?
At any given mealtime?
Do you overeat…are your portion sizes too big?
We all do it…and not just at the Christmas dinner table ;-)
I’ve eaten several meals and cleared my plate just because of some engrained habit to not waste food.
My Grandad used to make us mop up gravy with bread for goodness sake ;-)
I’ve eaten when I KNOW I’m no longer hungry.
Or had dessert when I’ve barely had room for the main course, let alone anything beyond that.
And then felt bloody uncomfortable for hours later.
Why do we do it?
Why do we eat more than we need to and importantly, how can we stop?
I’m a firm believer that HOW we eat has a huge impact on our waistline.
Just as much, if not more, than WHAT we eat.
If we changed NOTHING in our diet but just ate it differently, we’d lose weight.
So what needs to change?
For a start, many of us eat far too fast!
It takes a good 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full and many of us have eaten and completed a dozen other tasks before 20 minutes is up.
Slowing down our eating is KEY to getting back in touch with your natural appetite and only eating what you need, not what happens to be on your plate.
Many of us don’t chew our food.
And then we wonder why we have digestive issues such as IBS, cramps and gas.
Our food should be virtually liquid by the time we swallow it and for most of us, that’s just not the case.
Most of us don’t engage in the process of eating.
We inhale a bag of crisps or snort a bar of chocolate and then question if we even ate it in the first place.
And wonder why we crave another bag, or another bar.
And of course, we rarely consciously ask ourselves ‘Am I still hungry?’
We just clear the plate without even contemplating if we’ve had enough at any point…
until it’s all gone…and all too often, by then we’ve over-eaten.
Slowing down our eating pace,
chewing our food,
eating mindfully
and stopping BEFORE we’re totally full
are key habits that allow us to get back in tune with our real appetite…the one many of us lost touch with years ago.
It’s one of the first things we teach on our 8-week transformation problem and ladies start to lose weight from this alone.
No other changes…just this!
If you’re interested in transforming your health, body and mind in just 8-weeks, hit reply and get in touch. That could mean a new YOU by December!
In the meantime, SLOW your eating down…you’ll be surprised what results you can achieve!